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How to Choose The Best Solar Installation Company: What Should You Consider?

How to Choose The Best Solar Installation Company: What Should You Consider?

As solar power becomes more popular, many companies now offer solar installation services. With so many options, it can be hard to pick the right one. Different companies may offer different products, prices, and levels of experience. Some might provide better customer service or more financing options. Choosing the best company involves looking at all these factors to find the one that fits your needs.

As of 2023, Canada has over 3,000 MW of installed solar capacity. The number of installations has been growing rapidly, with an annual increase of about 20%.

The solar installation company you pick can make the difference between a costly, low-performing system and a durable, money-saving one. Before you invest, think about how to choose the best solar panels for you, and make sure you’re in good hands for the process.

When Evaluating A Solar Company, The Three Most Important Factors To Consider

When Evaluating A Solar Company, The Three Most Important Factors To Consider

1. Experience and Track Record: Choose a company that has a track record of installing good solar systems.

2. Customer Reviews and Testimonials: Personal experiences from previous customers can tell you a lot about how good a company is and how well they do their job.

3. Licensing and Certifications: Make sure the company has all the right licenses, and their workers have the right certifications.

Key Factors to Consider When Choosing a Solar Company

Key Factors to Consider When Choosing a Solar Company

Experience And Track Record

Look for a company with a proven history of quality solar installations, ideally with several years of experience in the industry. A track record of successful projects indicates expertise and reliability, giving you confidence in their ability to deliver excellent results for your solar installation needs.

As of 2023, the country has witnessed a surge in solar installations, with over 3,000 MW of installed solar capacity. This growth underscores the importance of selecting a company with a solid history of successful projects to ensure quality and dependable service.

Feedback From Customers And Testimonials

A survey conducted by a leading market research firm found that over 70% of Canadians trust online reviews and testimonials as much as personal recommendations when selecting a solar company. 

Customer feedback and testimonials are key when choosing a solar company. They reveal how satisfied customers are, how well the company communicates, and if there were any issues. Positive reviews indicate trustworthiness, while negative ones highlight areas to be cautious about. 

Testimonials also provide insights into the installation process, product quality, and post-purchase support, helping you determine if the company meets your needs.

Licensing and Certifications

Confirm that the solar company holds the required licenses issued by relevant Canadian authorities. Additionally, ensure that their technicians possess certifications recognized within Canada’s solar industry standards. This ensures compliance with local regulations and industry best practices.

About 70% of solar installation companies in Canada have the necessary licenses from Canadian authorities. Also, over 80% of their technicians hold certifications that meet Canada’s solar industry standards.

Cost and Financing Options

Cost and Financing Options
  • Knowing the Initial Expenses: When considering solar, get quotes from multiple companies to understand costs. Look at equipment, installation, rebates, and financing. This helps you see the full financial picture before deciding.
  • Potential Government Incentives and Rebates: The Alberta and Canadian governments support eco-friendly energy projects. It’s good to know about any new discounts, tax breaks, or other perks that can help reduce your installation expenses. Get in touch with a local solar specialist for the latest updates on solar discounts in Alberta.

The Importance of a Site Assessment

The Importance of a Site Assessment
  • What to Expect During a Site Visit: When a technician comes to your place, they’ll check if it’s good for solar. They’ll look at your roof to see if it’s in good shape and faces the sun well. They’ll also see if there are any big trees or buildings blocking sunlight.
  • How it Impacts the Design and Installation Process: Information gathered during the site check is important. It helps decide the right system size, where to place panels, and predict how much energy your property can generate. Without it, your system might not work as well as it could.

Warranty and Maintenance

Warranty and Maintenance
  • Understanding the Warranty Terms: A strong solar warranty keeps your investment safe from unexpected problems. Make sure you know what it covers, how long it lasts, and what it doesn’t cover to avoid surprises later.
  • Post-installation Support: A good company helps even after installing. Find one that offers maintenance, troubleshooting, and tips to maximize solar energy use. This ensures your investment is well-managed and support is always there for you.

Choose a Local Calgary-based Solar Company

Choose a Local Calgary-based Solar Company
  • Benefits of Choosing a Local Provider: Local solar companies in Calgary usually know a lot about the city’s weather and rules. They’re often quicker to respond to your needs, provide more personalized service, and feel like they’re part of the community. Plus, they may have experience working with local authorities and utilities, which can streamline the installation process.

Other Factors to Consider When It Comes to Solar

Other Factors to Consider When It Comes to Solar
  • Customizing Solar Solutions: Every property has its own problems and good points. It’s important to work with a company that understands this and is ready to make plans that fit your needs, instead of just offering the same thing to everyone.
  • Expected Energy Savings and Payback Period: Get clear about how your investment will pay off. Know how much you’ll save each month on your energy bills and how long it’ll take to make back the money you initially spent.
  • Any Hidden Fees or Charges: Being clear about money is really important. Talk openly with possible providers to make sure they don’t hide any costs or surprise fees from you later.

Choosing Your Ideal Installation Company

Understanding how to choose the best solar company is important. They make sure your system works properly and stays in good condition for a long time. Professionals are helpful because they know about solar technology and regulations. 

The right company is important for the success of your transition to solar power, leading to energy savings and environmental benefits. With the assistance of experts, you can find a company that meets your needs and offers dependable service.

Final Thoughts

The best solar installation company involves careful consideration of many factors. By looking into a company’s experience, reputation, product quality, cost, customer service, local knowledge, customization options, installation process, insurance and licenses, and environmental commitment, you can make an informed decision. Take your time to research and compare different companies to ensure you select the one that best meets your needs and provides reliable, long-term solar solutions.


How does solar energy impact the environment compared to traditional energy sources?

Solar energy is a clean alternative, producing no air pollutants or greenhouse gases, unlike coal or natural gas, which emit carbon dioxide and other harmful substances. Solar energy offers a more environmentally friendly option, reducing carbon footprints and promoting sustainability.

What are the potential challenges or drawbacks of solar installations in Calgary?

In Calgary, challenges include long winters with shorter daylight hours and snow accumulation on panels, potentially reducing energy generation. However, solar panels operate efficiently in colder temperatures, and snow reflection can sometimes enhance production.

How do seasonal changes in Calgary affect solar energy production and efficiency?

Seasonal variations in Calgary influence solar energy output. Summers bring longer daylight hours, maximizing solar production, while winters, with shorter days and potential snow cover, can decrease it. However, colder temperatures can boost solar panel efficiency, and snow reflection might increase energy capture.

Why is it important to choose the right solar company?

Picking the best solar company is important as it affects how well your solar system works and how long it lasts. A good company ensures your system is set up correctly, making the most energy and avoiding problems. 

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