Panel Upgrade Experts

Flood Damaged Panel Replacement – High River

Flood Damaged Panel Replacement – High River

We have been very busy in High River replacing electrical panels damaged by the recent flooding. This is a good example of a Panel Replacement we completed for a really nice couple in High River whose basement was flooded.

When we got the call the homeowner they were concerned as they had power to the flood damaged panel re-energized by someone who was

We not only replaced the panel but moved it to a more suitable location (the current location was crammed in behind the furnace) As you can see even though this job was under a quite strict time constraint (To restore power of renovation to begin) our skilled electricians did a superb job on this Panel Replacement.

Our electricians have been working very hard in both Calgary and High River to restore power to families affected by the flooding. We wish all the best to everyone out there working through this tough time.

A very big Thanks to all the volunteers who got stuck in to turn things around for families less fortunate than they are.

Pictures of our High River Panel Replacement

Panel Replacement

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