Panel Upgrade Experts

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100 amp Electrical Panel Upgrade

100 amp Electrical Panel Upgrade | Calgary


This Job consisted of installing a new 100 amp  Electrical Panel. The panel that was in place was rated to 100 amps but the homeowner needed more space in the panel to allow for basement renovations that were planned and the current panel wasn’t sufficient for the owners needs

The owner requested that our electrician installed a vapor barrier behind the panel board, as the homeowner was going to frame the wall in and insulate the wall. You can see the vapor barrier around the new panelboard installed.

Our electricians completed the panel change in one day, so they had the power back up and running for the owner that day.

The city of Calgary inspection was booked for later that week. The homeowner was able to let  the inspector in and show him the location of the panel. The city of Calgary inspector was very happy with the Electrical Panel, and he passed the installation with no points that need to be rectified. We brought the current service ground to current code and installed bonding all the water, gas and sewerage pipes

The owner was very happy with their new panel installation, and we look forward to working with them again in the near future.

Pictures of the installation 100 amp Electrical Panel Upgrade

electrical panel electrical panel Electrical panel electrical panel upgrade Electrical Panel Upgrade electrical panel

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